Thursday, January 5

Welcome to My Site...


I use the word "greetings" again because have the desire to thank all of you for your interest in my works... and now have a way with this website to properly keep in touch. To put it simply, have always wanted to express myself by telling stories. Became an actor in front of cameras which allowed me to do just that... with the gift of talent given from above.

I am a Board Member of the California Indian Manpower Consortium in Sacamento, California in helping to educate the American Indian to their rightful needs. Also the Veterans Park Conservancy invited me to join in building a fifteen acre park for returning soldiers in recovery from bombs and bullets at the Soldiers Home in West Los Angeles. And one more... A spokesperson for "Fragile X". A common cause of mental impairments ranging from learning disabilities to retardation in children.

Grateful these days, work travel, family, friends, play tennis (have all my life) a few trophies somewhere around the house.